Page name: Mod Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-01 02:29:18
Last author: Japalm
Owner: Jenny Crank
# of watchers: 31
D20: 4
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Mod Lovers

Everyone Has a Modified Mind, Deep Down.



This is not a place to be an asshole, this is a place to discuss the modifications you have, plan to have and enjoy, as well as the community in which they belong. This is not a place for making rude comments, if you do not like a particular piercing,tattoo,scarification,branding,inversion,subincision,implant,superincision,cutting,etc. then don't talk about it, it's just rude to insult someone elses modifications,if anything you should congratulate them for having the courage to modify their body outside of normal social standards. If you're disgusted by a particular mod then do not comment on it. Mention a mod you like instead.If you're going to be an asshole go join the correct rascist organization with your backwoods redneck attitude.that has been the end of this rant, now be nice, or fuck off, remember what you heard as a child "if you can't say anything nice, then shut the hell up".

Do not join if you do not plan on commenting at least occasionally.

Mod Lovers Members The members.        
Miscellaneous Mods Everything mod. 
Spikes and Studs All about piercings.

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[sasquatch in the shadows]: yep seems that way

[Jenny Crank]: my mom is now accepting that i communicatre via mods...ergo if i stop getting them...i cant communicate..and if she punishes me for them, she's punishing me for yea, i'll get what i want.

[sasquatch in the shadows]: i suppose so

[peterpan syndrome]: Haha. :3

[ArchangelGabriel]: Hate to burst your bubble but all of the banners are stolen of the net. If the guards see they'll start blockign your members. Sorry, just thought i'd point it out

[Jenny Crank]: actually funny thing, i took a couple of those myself and the majority are of people i know..yea..i'll make new banners just because of this bs though, to prove a point.

[sasquatch in the shadows]: you really shouldnt. just leave it alone.

[peterpan syndrome]: Making new banners would save us much trouble.

[sasquatch in the shadows]: sure. why not then

[TheFragile6]: Yea Her Bridge is really awesome :) I just have 6Gauges on my ears but I really want to get my lip done. She wants to get three on her bottom lip and she probably will soon :-p, Unlike me. Cause my Dad wont let me untill im 18 T_T

[peterpan syndrome]: Not soon, darling. ><; I need the money first. But I do have a birthday coming up... eventually. So I'll try to get them done then ^-^

[sasquatch in the shadows]: fun fun fun. cant wait to see the pics

[PyroFreak]: yeah ppl was up?

[Jenny Crank]: I dont know if it really "saves us trouble" so much as i just wanted new banners anyway...a couple of those are friends (i.e. Brennan, Inza)..but i'm thinking about taking a new set of brennan and coby pics...gotta love those bubbleboys..and shy said i could use him..

[peterpan syndrome]: Well I meant that it would save us having to aruge with people who would try to make a big deal of the current banners. :3

[sasquatch in the shadows]: wich one is of shy?

[Jenny Crank]: he isnt a banner yet, but he is on my house.

[Slade, The Possesed]: man i cant believe i was replaced by rob.....that makes me feel super special...

[Slade, The Possesed]: oh by the way, this is lance on lacys pro, i forgot to mention that in the last statement

[Japalm]: Do you really care?

[-.-]: o.o

[Jenny Crank]: Whatever its all good...yea ya ditched, and rob apointed happens..but your back now right?

[Japalm]: He seems to be, but it feels as though the wiki is dying.

[peterpan syndrome]: It somewhat is. -.- We should do something to make it not die. o.o;

[Jenny Crank]: i'm never around anymore...

[Japalm]: There are ways around that

[kitti]: if it is dying, i know CPR

[Japalm]: Does anyone want a scarification?

[Domesticated? What am i, a cat?]: i've thought about a maori face piece, jess told me about how the maori tribe tattooed along certain features to enhance them, i think it would be really bold on me.

[Eat Me Alive]: at least then you'd have an excuse never to get a real job..

[Domesticated? What am i, a cat?]: I have a job, and i make better money than you. I think a maori face piece would be a great accent, any other ideas on it?

[Jenny Crank]: face tattoo for you.

[peterpan syndrome]: Good news, kiddies. Sydney got a septum.

[-.-]: Er.. I need a piercing, and cant be on my face sadly.. Ideas! Please!

[peterpan syndrome]: Hip piercings are always hawt. <3 I plan to get a few billion or so, myself. But they are insanly high risk of rejection. So um, o.o;

[Effulgent Vampyress]: Well, I could suggest you get the vampire bite. One bar bell right through the flesh on your neck, leaving fang marks. heheh... they look fun. ^___^ ... I'm going to be getting my septum done soon. I wont be getting a very large-gaged ring, I dont want it to look too bulky. I was also thinking of getting my left eyebrow done, the centre of my bottom lip, a bar bell (inch and a half long) through my ear (almost vertical), my tongue, both of my nipples (two piercings in each to make an "X" ), and after I get all of those done, I will be getting one after another along my neck and spine.

[peterpan syndrome]: Ooh, I'm getting the neck/spine deal. But that won't be for a few years.

[peterpan syndrome]: lots of piercings, lots of piercings. :3 Of course, my father got royally PISSED about this one. And was a total ass about everything. So mother is making me "chill" for a while. But I'm still getting my snakebites done in November. >_________>

[Jenny Crank]: labret and lip piercings have the same rejection rate as any non surface piercing, dont let people tell you otherwise, they actually only reject 12% of the time with the LITHA method, and with proper caretaking they make it through 94%

[Jenny Crank]: I'm redoing my madison and getting my nape, and propably adding 2 more chest surface piercing to create an upper chest corset of sorts..i am considering transdermal implants though..

[Famous Last Words]: right now i'm still trying to convince my mom to let me get my nose pierced

[-.-]: I'm suprised with how much the Industrial did hurt, way more then tounge and belly together! ((My pain tolrence that is)

[peterpan syndrome]: I am ultimate sadness. :( I really really really really really unbelievably much am dying to get something else done. But alas, my silly mother. -.-

[Erwin]: i want more so bad too...what are you talking about the industrial didn't hurt at all!!! it was like nothing....

[saberhagen]: hey did ya miss me??

[-.-]: Yes it did!!! Way more then my tongue or navel!

[peterpan syndrome]: Navel. It's a navel. >___>

[022590]: And tongue. Not toung.

[-.-]: LMAO! You type at 4am... wait... SHH! Spelling okay okay! FIINE!

[-.-]: FIXED! Their you go!

[022590]: Actually it's only 10pm for moi.

[-.-]: O.o I see!

[-.-]: I think the only reason it hurts more, because I have a bad habit of sleeping on the side, and pulling my hair behind my ear! And the phone.. I have to learn to stop aggravating it! >.<

[peterpan syndrome]: I should get my industrial done. I was thinking about getting them done like an X on my left ear. I'm in no danger of yanking it with the hair brush--- I don't even brush my hair for weeks at a time! No need, really. :)

[peterpan syndrome]: And thank you for fixing the spelling error. ^.^

[-.-]: My bar is really high.... I couldn't make an X... Its hard washing your hair! Heh...

[Stephykins]: Whats an industrial, and iv got my tongue/navel & I had my eyebrow... but it came out *sighs*

[Erwin]: well if you screw with it i guess it might hurt... my piercer was really good i was sleeping on it the first night i got and X would be so cool but mines also to high for that... or i would do it...

[Erwin]: oh an and industrial is a bar bell that goes throught your ear...

[Erwin]: you can search it on the com for pics

[-.-]: Its alright now, I guess I was just shocked on how much it did hurt, don’t know why. I guess I was expecting it to be like a normal earring or something. Meh.

[peterpan syndrome]: Erwin, babe, you could get an X. ^.^ I finkles, anyways. :)

[Erwin]: yeah...theres a chance... ill check next time im up in canada... i want to look into some new jewlry too... im not sure though... <3ies P.V.

[peterpan syndrome]: I'm dying for something newwww. T.T Wahhh.

[Erwin]: you just got your but a girls gotta get what she whats your next plan of action???

[peterpan syndrome]: I'm just not satisfied. I'm thinking about making an inverted cross of myself. :3 Like, next getting the centre of my lip and my sternum done. Then later, getting at least one on each of my clavicles. :3

[saberhagen]: HEY IM HAVIN A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Erwin]: cool :D

[peterpan syndrome]: Congratulations. :)

[Erwin]: what's zee name???

[Japalm]: What shall you name her...i've missed you katie. when's she due again?

[Stephykins]: Oh ok... I just called it the long barbell thingy, lmao

[~Sensuous Amour~]: congrats. katie. whens she due and whats her name gonna be?

[Jenny Crank]: i miss you katie

[saberhagen]: i miss you too cracker i've tryed to call but your never home her name is gunna be Maura Jade Nunez and she is due Jan.29 2006

[saberhagen]: oh cheak out my house i've got pics of how big i am

[~Sensuous Amour~]: im gonna have to come and see you after you have her and tell chris i said hi

[saberhagen]: i will

[Jenny Crank]: i've set the birthday for the new madison now...i'm thinkin december 7th or so

[saberhagen]: kool i cant wait to see it!!

[Jenny Crank]: it's gonna be a little bit different this time -wink wink-

[saberhagen]: y so much?

[Jenny Crank]: lets just say..maddys growing up

[saberhagen]: oo how big now?

[Jenny Crank]: i'm gonna corset my chest.

[peterpan syndrome]: Ooh, I've seen something similar to that done!! It's got a very gorgeous effect. ^.^

[Jenny Crank]: mine will be a little different, i'm thinking dermal punch with tygon bars, very jensenesque meets high acceptance, with some glam

[saberhagen]: ok sounds painfull

[Jenny Crank]: i'm thinkin it will be, tuckers gonna tag along to watch, maybe i can get him to snap some pics.

[Japalm]: Oh he is? I thought you were taking someone else...

[Jenny Crank]: it can be a group outing...

[saberhagen]: oo thats nice tell him i said him i said hi and chris says hi

[~Sensuous Amour~]: you have to come by and show me how it looks when you get it done!...and tell tucker i said hi

[Jenny Crank]: Oh dont worry i will, hey we need to get together sometime...

[nostalgic-smile]: I fly to high before I fall down, I cry before I frown

[Jenny Crank]: I die to dream, I dream to die, I hit the ground, head in the sky...

[~Sensuous Amour~]: whenever you want to get together just call me!...and i fyou lost my number tell me

[saberhagen]: hey my baby shower is Nov. 19th so if you want an invite gemme your adress ok??

[-.-]: Getting my tongue pierced again, twice! YAY!

[Jenny Crank]: get my paycheck next thursday then theres nothing between me and 2x madisonville...oh and i'm crushing..on a dude! Miki needed "time to think" and i just cant sit here alone until feb.

[~Sensuous Amour~]: just call me number is 583-1319

[saberhagen]: ok will do

[~Sensuous Amour~]: koolness

[~Sensuous Amour~]: so jessie when are we gonna hang out more chick?

[saberhagen]: stormy do you go to skool anymore??

[Japalm]: Why don't you go see her at work?

[~Sensuous Amour~]: no do you?

[~Sensuous Amour~]: and where does she work?

[Japalm]: BK, for now.

[Eat Me Alive]: I have a job too! I work at a place I cant spell...I'll check my uniform..oh its Fuddruckers.

[saberhagen]: happy turkey day all

[saberhagen]: well has everyone juss stoped talkin on here or juss stoped gettin on here???

[~Sensuous Amour~]: merry almost christmas people!!!!...

[Japalm]: What about those of them that celebrate yule?

[\m/MCR\m/.]: heya ppl can u do my poll,,,, its bout my lip :D

[Jenny Crank]: I think yule is a much more honorable celebration than the gift fest, that the christians sacred day has reverted to..

[Domesticated? What am i, a cat?]: I'll agree with that.

[Eat Me Alive]: Paganism is more reputable yes, but honorable...the people who practice it make it honorable, there are crappy pagans too.

[~Sensuous Amour~]: so just forget about the crappy ones and base your attention on the honorable ones!!

[Jenny Crank]: yay too elitism and good bloodlines?Seems a little closed minded.

[Eat Me Alive]: The bad pagans are the best known.

[~Sensuous Amour~]: true...

[Jenny Crank]: So come on people, what new piercings are in the works?

[\m/MCR\m/.]: im gettin my lip done

[Jenny Crank]: well, thats a good thing, center, or what?

[~~She wants to scratch u down~~]: i wanna get that little bit of skin done under my top lip. i nice lil ring wud be great. Does anyon know what i'm talkin about?

[Jenny Crank]: yea, i do i think.

[Jenny Crank]: okay here goes the countdown...6 days..

[Jenny Crank]: 4 days, and I miss Lance..

[saberhagen]: you miss him and not mee

[Jenny Crank]: I mean, i miss him making comments here, You know i miss you sweetheart., oh and 3 days..

[uploading art rules huh?]: well than you miss me, im back, who all is going to get dermal punches, cuz i want me some to you know, i think it would be awesome, oh and hey you, arent we supposed to be talking about mods here and nothing else? you know it is mod lovers, even my elfpack branch of this stuff is talking more of mods than you j/j

[uploading art rules huh?]: oh and ps......CO_OWNER BACK IN THA HIZZZOUSE>

[saberhagen]: lance your are a loser!! but i love you and miss you 2

[Jenny Crank]: I just submitted my demo for modified mind, and am waiting for a reply to see if i get a job, and i have an appointment thursday with THE Byriah Dailey, to get dual dermal punched chest surface bars, Yes Byriah Dailey the head engineer and rigger for C.o.R.E....The best suspension group ever..and the owner of taurian( I am a taurian) in Houston, check out his site for a taste... oh and i'll have pictures up the day after if all goes well.What do you want dermal punched?

[Eat Me Alive]: New pic on my house, featuring the lip ring!

[Jenny Crank]: new pic on mine too, not featuring any visible mods though

[Jecka]: ello

[Eat Me Alive]: Hi Jecka!

[Jecka]: how goes it?

[King_0319]: cant wait til i get my tongue done again

[Jecka]: y a im sapposed to get mine pierced this summer. along with other things

[Jenny Crank]: yea, i'm getting my ashley soon

[Jecka]: nice

[Jenny Crank]: so what gauge are you getting your tongue done at?

[uploading art rules huh?]: i would have to guess a 8......but maybe im wrong

[Jenny Crank]: a 16 for a tongue, generally people go with 14 or 12, but smaller could look cute, but alas, the cheese grater effect could kick in.

[uploading art rules huh?]: lol your true, but a dork

[Jenny Crank]: But, a fun dork, with cool piercings, right?

[uploading art rules huh?]: but of else could you be explained than that way?

[Jecka]: I am kind of tempted to get my toung done at a 8 or some were along thoose lines

[Jenny Crank]: so lance, we're both wrong, 8 is nice but a little large for beginning a tongue piercing..

[uploading art rules huh?]: nope i was right,b etter go back and check my message.....i said 8....hehehe

[Jenny Crank]: umnm...hmm...changing comments, you know i get notified dont you?

[Jecka]: i am lost

[Jenny Crank]: nothin just me and lance playing..

[uploading art rules huh?]: .....damn, oh well, i tryed

[Jenny Crank]: and thats what really matters

[Jecka]: ...............

[Jenny Crank]: A little info from the community, tattooed fetish model masuimi max, has recently been granted a divorce from her husband, the great piercer and all around cool mod guy Allen Falkner!!!How do i know?Lets just say, Miki is trouble...

[uploading art rules huh?]: masuimi is getting a divorce???? wow now i might actually have a shot at

[Jenny Crank]: Masuimi got a divorce, it was already granted.

[peterpan syndrome]: I want a shot at her!! *claims* :O

[uploading art rules huh?]: nuhuh i called her first!!!!!!!!!!!

[Jenny Crank]: Sad thing is, neither of you even know her..

[peterpan syndrome]: It's the cool thing to claim someone you don't know. n.n

[Jenny Crank]: well, I guess so, too bad, now i cant claim her, but i recently came across francine dee,and well she has bigger,umm, talents, so i'll stick with trying for her.

[uploading art rules huh?]: lol im not claiming her, i cant i have a girl, besides, shes not too much my type, go ahead vanity...have at her

[peterpan syndrome]: Naw. :3 I'm taken and that would make me even worse of a girlfriend. v_____v

[-.-]: I just got my nipple peirced, its seriously painless! I was suprised!

[peterpan syndrome]: Ewwww. :x

[peterpan syndrome]: My least favourite piercing. </3

[-.-]: Aww, I love it! <3 *pets* Okay maybe it does hurt a lil

[Jenny Crank]: yea plus its creepy to pet your piercings

[-.-]: Who said thats what I'm peting?

[Jenny Crank]: I would just like to believe that..

[-.-]: This place is gay. Lmao.

[Jenny Crank]: I'm not gay, I'm above sexuality, I love mens womens and hermies...I think its fine for you to rub yourself all over,its a healthy thing, just not fresh piercings..

[-.-]: Lamo. Right. This use to be a kewl wiki. Buuttt.. Things have changed sense then. And the people have become jack ass's. Its alright, I'm going anyways.

[uploading art rules huh?]: whats amazing is....i would honestly like to know who was here that isnt here now, that made this wiki soooo much better than it used to be....

[Eat Me Alive]: I made it better, with my devilish good looks and fabulous sense of humor

[Jecka]: damn that was cocky

[uploading art rules huh?]: down right conceited.....

[Jecka]: at least he knows what hes got

[uploading art rules huh?]: i never said conceited was a bad thing, im more conceited than anyone else i know.....ok what i just (might) be a bad thing....

[Jenny Crank]: The problem here has always been no one posting (commenting), I mean if you look at the members list you'd think we were constantly getting posts, but over 1/2 of the members have never posted..

[uploading art rules huh?]: they just like the idea of being part of a group of sure the only have that actually to post, are the only ones here thats have, or actually enjoy mods, the other half, just want to look like they do, iff they never post, than why even be here???? huh? huh? answer me this nonposters!!!

[Jecka]: how about you delet the chaps that dont post

[uploading art rules huh?]: there are thirty people watching and fifty people joined, therefore there is at least 20 people that never know when anything is said, and more than that that just chekc to see what is said and never post themselves

[Japalm]: Hm...would you like your behind-the-scenes guy to delete all names that haven't posted?

[Jenny Crank]: No..I say someone should message them though..

[Jenny Crank]: And more news...Shannon and Rachel are divorcing also, thats right the owner of bme is getting a divorce too, the successful body mod couples are dying out..

[Jecka]: i am sorry. and yes i think messaging would work

[uploading art rules huh?]: i think we should just delete them, one message wont make them instantly come and join the party, once a loser, always a loser.....

[Jecka]: pretty much

[Jenny Crank]: Yea but sometimes you forget things..i say give them 1 chance

[uploading art rules huh?]: lol alright, but ill bet that if any, only two will come here regularly

[Jecka]: oh well i sapose its worth it

[Jenny Crank]: I would forget to check it too if I didnt own it..

[Jecka]: lol

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